A year ago we made our first hospital trip after parker continuously complained about his ‘poorly head’, we believe now this was the start of his seizures of course on a much more mild level than the ones he went on to have. If we’d have known then what we know now we would’ve been able to control his epilepsy and perhaps my boy would still be here. All donations get spread between epilepsy society who continue to fund research that will help the move towards a cure and a bigger focus on early diagnosis, rainbow trust and the sick children charity both of which helped us so much in his last months and have offered us endless support since we lost P. We received so much support from all 3 charities and although we hope you and your family never have to rely on these charities we also want to make sure the amazing support is available to as many as possible. Parker was my happy loving little boy and I couldn’t be prouder to be his mammy. This is to honour the memory of the little boy we all knew and loved. My boy always P💜
12th April 2020